Journey of Recovery / Recovering From Mental Illness / Docume ...

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Video Description

"Journey of Recovery (2006) Bart Kean

In conjunction with Kean Digital Films, MHA/NC is pleased to introduce Journey of Recovery, an extraordinary documentary that takes a close look at mental illness. Produced by Bart Kean and Ted Thomas, two mental health consumers who reside in North Carolina, this film was created to make people aware that you can recover from a mental illness. Various and individualized paths have led numerous people to recovery and the hope of Bart and Ted is that this film will be used as a learning and teaching tool to inspire consumers to take the Journey of Recovery.

Director: Bart Kean
Producer: Bart Kean, Ted Thomas
Production Company: Kean Digital Films
Keywords: Mental Health; Mental Illness; Ted Thomas; Bart Kean; Wellness; Recovery; Journey of Recovery; Kean Digital Films; The Mental Health Association in North Carolina; Bipolar Disorder; Depression; Recovery Tools; Psychosocial Rehabilitation; PBH; Psychiatry; Psychology
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Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States"


"I hate that feeling of "being well" I know it won't last."


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Tips & Hints

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