Treading Water (Documentary)

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Video Description

"Treading Water is an independent documentary on Depression from a Psychological standpoint, rather than a Medical one.

I'm extremely thankful for the support I've received over the last 6 months of making this documentary. With working overtime, and countless hours in front of the screen, racking my brain, I don't know if I could've done it without having the people to rant to, and support me. I sincerely hope you enjoy.

Special Thanks To:

Michelle Wood
Dillon Garland
JD Fisher
Michael Imlay
Linda Cable
Lauren Murphy
Chelsea MacDonald
Kati Reid


Music: ""Tranquility"" and ""Almost in F"" provided Royalty Free by Kevin Macleod of
Intro Title courtesy of Mitch Martinez ("


"I couldn't get out of bed. I just stayed in my room for days on end"


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