

Yamini Durani, MD


Rohypnol (pronounced: ro-hip-nol) is a low-cost, increasingly popular drug. Because it often comes in pre-sealed bubble packs, many teens think that the drug is safe.


Street Names:

Roofies, roach, forget-me pill, date rape drug.


How It's Used:

This drug is swallowed, sometimes with alcohol or other drugs.


Effects & Dangers:

Rohypnol is a prescription antianxiety medication that is 10 times more powerful than Valium.

It can cause the blood pressure to drop, as well as cause memory loss, drowsiness, dizziness, and an upset stomach.

Though it's part of the depressant family of drugs, it causes some people to be overly excited or aggressive.

Rohypnol has received a lot of attention because of its association with date rape. Many teen girls and women report having been raped after having rohypnol slipped into their drinks. The drug also causes "anterograde amnesia." This means it's hard to remember what happened while on the drug, like a blackout. Because of this it can be hard to give important details if a young woman wants to report the rape.



Users can become physically addicted to rohypnol, so it can cause extreme withdrawal symptoms when users stop.

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"If you feel that you’re having – or are going to have – a bad trip, let your friends know and get their help. Go to a nice quiet spot where you feel safe and can relax."

Danny Street

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