Harms of mephedrone – Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs



Harms of mephedrone – Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs

Very little is known about mephedrone as it emerged as a drug of choice only recently. Nothing is known about its long-term use. But we do know amphetamine stimulants accelerate the heart rate so it is fair to assume mephedrone would share some of the same features of cocaine and speed where there is increase risk of damage to the heart. 

As with some other amphetamine-type drugs, mephedrone may come to be identified as addictive when it is taken regularly over a prolonged period of time or if considerable amounts are taken in a relatively short period. The relatively low price of mephedrone encouraged some to take large quantities where the consumption of the drug became central to their lives. 

Injecting amphetamines may lead to overdose but it is generally rare to overdose by snorting stimulants. There have been several reports of drug deaths caused by mephedrone immediately prior to it becoming a banned substance. At least two have these reports have proved false. Many of the deaths involved poly-drug use and high levels of alcohol. The one confirmed death from mephedrone use to date involved injecting the drug, as well as the consumption of other legal and illegal substances.

Taking mephedrone can cause a deep feeling of agitation, heart palpitations, skin rashes, sweating, vomiting and headaches. Users who snort the drug can expect to get bad nose bleeds. Heavy users may well experience insomnia; there is also the danger of paranoia and even triggering a psychotic episode.


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