Smoking and erectile dysfunction


Most young people who begin smoking will start as teenagers or begin the habit during their 20′s or 30′s.  They don’t think of the health implications smoking can cause later in life, such as erectile dysfunction.

Health effects of smoking  have been well documented over the last two decades by the American Heart Association and other groups promoting abstinence from smoking , due to the effects of lung damage caused from inhaling the toxic smoke from cigarettes, the increased chances of developing heart disease and arterial sclerosis or hardening of the arteries, lung cancer, emphysema and other health related issues due to prolonged exposure to smoking.

How smoking can lead to erectile dysfunction have previously not been well documented to the public outside of medical journals.  Male impotence has always been discussed both in medical journals and mainstream media as a condition that impacts men between the ages of 50 to 65, due to the effects of aging and stress.

Erectile Dysfunction is caused by a lack of blood flow to the penis to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.  In the case of smoking, inhaling the carcinogen-laden smoke over a long period of time, can lead to ED as it impacts the ability of the heart to pump the massive amount of blood needed to achieve and maintain an erection, while arterial sclerosis or hardening of the arteries, also caused by smoking, slows the flow of blood to the penis, thus diminishing the hardness of the male’s erection or preventing the man from achieving an erection at all.  As the heart has to work harder to pump blood, it can become weaker and less blood reaches the penis, thus impacting the strength, stamina and frequency of the erections. 


Five Ways Smoking can Lead to Male Impotence:

  • Carcinogen-laden smoke builds up in the lungs.  The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in a cigarette increases your heart rate and blood pressure,  which result in straining the heart and blood vessels.   High blood pressure has been linked to erectile dysfunction in men.  When your heart is strained, it is unable to pump the large amount of blood needed to achieve or maintain an erection.
  • Inhaling carbon monoxide deprives the muscles, soft tissue and brain of oxygen, making your whole body, and especially your heart, work harder.   If your heart is straining to pump blood throughout the body, you might be able to initially get an erection, but it will ultimately become weaker or you may find that getting an erection is difficult.
  • Smoking results in fat deposits in your blood vessels that narrow andconstrict the flow of blood to the organs.  If the blood vessels are constricted, the body will be starved of blood to maintain the vital organs.  This can result in a lack of blood for the male reproductive organs.
  • Smoking can lead to cardiovascular disease, also known as hardening of the arteries.  When blood vessels become hard and lose their flexibility, this impacts the efficient flow of blood through the body.  Any deficiency in blood within one of body systems will be revealed in some sort of physical manifestation, such as erectile dysfunction.
  • There is a misconception that low tar cigarettes are better or less deadly than their full-tar counterparts. Much of this misinformation is due to marketing.  The problem with low-tar and nicotine cigarettes is the smoker usually inhales more smoke and cancer-causing agents with each puff to get a better buzz, and in many cases is causing more bodily harm than smoking full tar and nicotine cigarettes.

Taking erectile dysfunction medication, such as Viagra, Cialis, Levetra or even the natural erectile dysfunction cures, may help improve erections, but they cure a symptom and are not a permanent cure for men who continue to smoke.  The best natural cure for smoking to stop smoking altogether.

In closing, smoking can cause impotence, due to effects of prolonged exposure to the carcinogens in the smoke.   One of the best ways for men in their 20′s and 30′s to cure erectile dysfunction naturally is to quit smoking, which will begin to heal the lungs, heart and arteries, and will improve the flow of blood to the penis and other organs of the human body.

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"When it comes down to it, yeah, I quit for my kids, but mainly, I quit for me. My kids would live on. They'd miss me, but they'd live on. I quit so I can see them live!"


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Tips & Hints

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