Nicotine Overdose


Home Treatment:

Seek emergency medical care immediately. Call Poison Control. You may be instructed to INDUCE VOMITING. If there is skin exposure, wash the area well with soap and water.


Before Calling Emergency:

Determine the following information:

- The patient's age, weight, and condition

- Name of product (as well as the ingredients and strength if known)

- When it was swallowed or inhaled

- The amount swallowed or inhaled


Poison Control, or a local emergency number:

Look for your national poison control telephone number. Take any containers with you to the emergency room.


What to expect at the emergency room:

Some or all of the following procedures may be performed:

- May administer activated charcoal.

- May administer a laxative.

- May use gastric lavage (pump the stomach).

- Will treat other symptoms.


Expectations (prognosis):

Overdose may cause seizures. Recovery depends on the dose, the amount of time before treatment, and severity of seizures. An overdose may be fatal. Unless there are complications, long-term effects from nicotine are uncommon.

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The Have I Got A Problem website is a free online resource to help people better understand any issues or concerns they may have about mental health or addiction. The website includes resources specifically focused to; general Mental Health, Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Insecurities, Self-harm Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Anger Management, Eating Disorders, Coping, general Addiction, Alcohol, Smoking, Gambling, Drugs, Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana (Cannabis) Ecstasy, PCP, Mephedrone, Ketamine & Crystal Meth.

The site was created to give the public information to help them understand mental health and addiction issues and to assist people in making better informed decisions about their life and personal choices. was created and is run by 'Advising Communities’, which is a UK registered charity (Charity No. 1061055)


"Smoking cessation is worth every minute you invest and more. The freedom that awaits you is nearly indescribable."


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