"I ended up homeless and on the streets, living and sleeping in a cardboard box, begging and struggling to find ways to get my next meal."
"I don't miss the fact that now when my lips move it is more than likely I am actually telling the truth."
Jane S
"I don't miss the fear that arose when I'm driving my car every time a police car hovers into view."
"My lowest point was when I realised I was stealing money from my daughters Christmas presents to fund my habit."
P. Gomez
"That's what made me think of stopping my drug habits - My Blood pressure spiked at 200/110 last week during a Panic Attack."
"Anyone being faced with the reality that their addiction needs to be conquered and their life will change is going to be scared."
"You need to realize that the little voice in your head telling you to use is your own."
"Find out why you use, find out your triggers, and take it day by day. Any day clean is better than any day you’ve been high."
"My goal in life wasn't living...it was getting high. I was falling in a downward spiral towards a point of no return"
"Now I see how important it is for me to be in control of every part of me. Today my body is being controlled by me. I am in the driver’s seat, and I’m driving with happiness."
"Little did I know that my mom was upstairs crying every night that I came home late, crying because she was scared for my survival."
"I have been having nightmares for several months after only having taken ecstasy one time in my life."
"I couldn't eat or sleep. In fact, I was afraid to sleep, knowing what was lurking in my dreams."
"Each time I dropped, the next days "come down" was more depressing."
"Yes, I have tried "E". I now suffer with depression."
"A week after the first time, I was admitted to the hospital for severe anxiety and panic attacks."
"The worst thing about it is the gurn. You may feel great, but to everyone else you look like you’ve done 20 pills. Everything is far more uncontrollable."
"I was addicted to the free feeling of being a child again. The feeling of not caring about what anyone thinks. The intense euphoria after feeling dead for years. Til this day I still have the urge to do ecstasy, but I do my best to stay away."
"My friends describe me as obsessed when they talk about me at this point. All I talked about was raves and ecstasy. I stopped hanging out with the only two friends I really had in the world. They couldn't stand to be around me because I only wanted to tal"
"At one point I was spending $300 a week on drugs. I used to steal money from my parents. I would sell anything I could get my hands on."
"It's so easy to just do it, and to just increase how many drugs you do. And it's just, you don't really notice it, and you kinda like deny because you don't want yourself to know that you have a problem."
"I think the biggest misconception about ecstasy would be 'yeah, it's real'. How do you know? I could be cut with anything, ranging from Ajax to rat poisoning. You have no idea what's in this thing you're about to take."
"Rehab is more along the lines of finding out who you are, not the 'stoned' you."
"It didn't really matter where I was. Clubs, bars, apartments - anywhere, anytime became a good place and a good time to use. My weekends began on Thursday and ran until Sunday."
"So I am telling anyone who hasn’t tried it yet. Don’t. It’s not worth it because it takes over your life."
"A substantial percentage of the ecstasy in Britain comes from laboratories controlled by the Dutch. The tablets are then sold on to traffickers"
Tony Saggers, SOCA drug trafficking expert
"According to the UN office on drugs and crime, the global ecstasy group market is worth $16b"
"After a couple of months, I was out five or six times a week, off my face on E… the rest of the time I was just asleep"
"I wasn't eating or sleeping - I just wanted more MD"
"More and more often, I'd be going from having a really good night to just spiralling out of control"
"My uni work wasn't getting done, and I didn't care, because I knew at the end of the day I'd be getting my pills"
"It all came to a head when I was rushed to hospital in the middle of the night. The pills had been filled out with some horrible stuff"
"Rehab teaches you how to be you and not worry about what other people think, about you and not try to fit in."
"There is no miracle for anyone who was addict to be able to stop. It is lifetime struggle. But it is possible."
"I began to steal things from my parents and cut classes so that I could get high. The good feelings I was getting from Ecstasy were making me act out in ways that were damaging to myself and the people that cared about me."
"MDMA ruined what we could have been. We were absolutely happy, until MDMA bumped into our lifes."
"I was skinny. My skin was the color of paper. My teeth were rotting out. I would steal anything I could get my hands on. I stole valuables from my dad. I didn't see anything wrong with the way I was acting."
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