My Treatment My Choice
http-www-mytreatmentmychoice-eu My Treatment My Choice is a collaboration between leading European user groups and treatment organisations. The goal of My Treatment My Choice is to provide users and their families with good information about opioid dependence and the options available in Europe for tackling it. -
Alcohol - Smoking - Drugs
http-www-stop-heroin-co-uk-gclid-cprj56jdyaocfykmtaodjvw1zg UK's leading experts in high-tech treatments, helping clients to stop nicotine, alcohol or drug dependency, all the other experts focus 'harm reduction' (using no/low-tech treatments) which simply means to 'maintain and prolong the addiction and dependency problem'. -
http-www-nhs-uk-livewell-drugs-pages-herointreatment-aspx NHS Choices is the online 'front door' to the NHS. It is the country's biggest health website and gives all the information you need to make choices about your health. -
http-www-talktofrank-com-drugs-aspx-id-186 FRANK helps you find out everything you might want to know about drugs (and some stuff you don't). -
http-www-wikihow-com-help-someone-overcome-a-heroin-addiction How to Help Someone Overcome a Heroin Addiction -
Heroin Awareness Foundation
http-www-heroinhelp-net This website is developed and staffed by volunteers and non-professionals. It is intended to provide information, experience and opinion on subjects related to heroin and other drug use and treatment. -
http-heroin-net-heroin-treatment-options-heroin-treatment-help Do you know someone suffering from heroin addiction? Help is available. -
Heroin Addiction Help
http-heroinaddictionhelp-blogspot-com Helping you to overcome heroin addiction through my own experience, strength, and hope. -
National Addiction Resources
http-addicthelp-org Professional and confidential help. Treatment helpline available.