Feel Good 101: Self harming

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3215 days ago

Video Description

"Originally Published on Sep 13, 2014

FEEL GOOD 101 SERIES: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
ADVICE Q&A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y9912...

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This was an incredibly hard and personal video to make. It's the only video on self-harm I will make. I didn't simply want to make a ""you can do it!"" video like so many others do. I wanted to try and go deeper into how society still treats this issue despite the dramatic increase in depression and its symptoms, as well as methods to help begin a journey into recovery. Self-harming develops into an addiction, and should be treated as such.



As well as the sources of support I mentioned, there are also helplines you can call if you are contemplating suicide or self-harming:

UK: Childline - 0800 1111

US: 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288)

Australia: SANE - 1800 18 SANE (7263)

I'm sorry I'm not able to list helplines for every country in the world. Please search '[country] self-harm helpline' if you need someone who can help you.



The Promise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXdKdg...

To People Who Are Self Harming: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0umb_W...

How To Deal With Depression: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olu1qw...


Thanks for watching, and be sure to subscribe! http://goo.gl/6U6PAm"


"I was being abused and I felt trapped and helpless. I felt I deserved to be punished, but it also gave me something I could control."


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