"I contemplated suicide and self harm a lot. I just felt like there was nobody I could speak to."
"Life became impossible, to extent that making a cup of tea and stringing a sentence together properly were achievements."
"I had extreme loss of appetite and lost a lot of weight. I would cry very easily at the most inappropriate times. I felt as though I lost my total sense of being."
"At first I was feeling sad all the time, even though I had no reason to be. Then the sadness turned into anger, and I started having fights with my family and friends."
"My sister once said: "I think you're afraid to be happy, because every time you're happy, something bad happens." She was right."
"Depression is like a never ending sad story, where you're the main character."
Peter Wang
"While Depression has affected my life in so many negative ways, I also feel that it has given me a greater appreciation for every good thing."
"I feel depression coming on like a veil being lowered over my face, clouding my judgement, my attitude and my activities."
"These words were told to me by a psychologist: "Depression is anger directed inward.""
"Being in a relationship with someone experiening depression can be extremely hard on your emotions. When people are depressed they tend to push away the very things they actually need."
"I thought if he could find something he really enjoys to take his mind off things, that could help, but the problem with depression is you don't really enjoy anything."
"My husband feels like he has ruined my life, is extremely emotionally dependent on me, has trouble getting out of bed everyday, cries a lot, lost all confidence in himself, thinks he's a terrible father."
"I have the feeling that nothing is really worth doing. A friend asked me "what would you like to do, if you could choose freely", and I came up with...nothing."
"Sometimes i feel like the whole world is against me"
"I've been absolutely miserable for years and years. Recently started taking new anti-depressants and--knock on wood--they actually seem to be working."
"Don't believe for one second that things can't change - they can. When you feel so low, the only way is up."
"I had a terrible day today and started telling myself, "You just need to suck it up. Stop acting like a loser. You're so weak." It's that sort of thinking that keeps me from getting better, and I need to start putting myself first."
"For someone who is really depressed just getting through the day is a massive achievement. Anything we do on top of it should make us really proud of ourselves."
"I know there is always that little voice in my head saying "stop thinking that way and you won’t feel depressed, dummy!""
"The hard part is, being so long depressed; it's easy to forget who the real person is."
"Accept that the depression or anxiety is there for now, stop thinking about it and learn to function as best you can even with the worst depression or anxiety that you have ever felt. And take hope in the knowledge that this will get better."
"For me, depression does go away, but it can come back. Some of us are just prone to it; even when I am happy I can sense the depression waiting in the wings."
"Depression is not our fault and it is a disease, I have suffered for years, but do believe we can help ourselves on the road to recovery, life needs to be lived, and we need to try and challenge the negative thoughts we get..."
"There are millions of people with depression but no one talks about it and I find that to be very sad."
"I have just decided to live my life and not care about what other people think. In my heart I know that they are probably dealing with something too, everyone has their own issues."
"I can’t be depressed… I’m a GUY! I don’t have the time to deal with this mood. So, I swallow the pain and move on"
"It’s thought that SAD sufferers are affected by shorter daylight hours in the winter. They produce higher melatonin, causing lethargy and symptoms of depression."
Dr Roger Papadopoulous
"If you have a tendency towards SAD, outdoor exercise will be have a double benefit, because you’ll gain some daylight"
Dr Roger Papadopoulous
"It wasn’t until I was 26 that I had my first “nervous breakdown” and was diagnosed with chronic depression. I was lucky."
"I wake up to the sound of silence. I look around at my life. I want to die and I know how I’m going to do it."
Chato B Stewart
"As guys, we were taught to suck it up and just deal with it and move on. I did that for years and not only did I suffer, but so did the ones I love"
Chato B Stewart
"The obvious signs to look out for include a low mood and unhappiness, with tearfulness or irritability that may not be related to anything specific"
Dr Navina Evans
"Also watch out for reactions when something sad happens. For instance, when someone dies it's normal for everyone in the family to feel distressed. But if you feel your child's reaction is too extreme or has gone on for too long, that could also be a sign"
Dr Navina Evans
"All children and young people need to feel respected, valued and loved."
Dr Navina Evans
"I couldn't get out of bed. I just stayed in my room for days on end"
"I got a lot of "just cheer up!" and "walk it off!" but it never worked. People just didn't understand"
"I started playing rugby and the combination of exercise and feeling like I was part of a team really helped."
"I had to look for books in the self-help section of the library or bookstore. I felt ashamed"
"Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression."
"Through our willingness to help others we can learn to be happy rather than depressed."
"The reason we cry is because sometimes words are just not enough to tell our life story."
"No one ever said life was easy. You may be so depressed, you just sit in the corner and cry for hours. But you just have to remember, LIFE GOES ON."
"If you are depressed, You are living in the past. If you are anxious, You are living in the future. If you are at peace, You are living in the present."
"It's not physical loneliness that troubles us, it's emotional loneliness that hollows us."
"The hardest thing you can do is smile when you are ill, in pain, or depressed. But this no-cost remedy is a necessary first half-step if you are to start on the road to recovery."
"Depression? Well… I'm not proud for the things I've did in the past, but I'm proud that I took the challenge as a man and faced all my problems."
"Life has knocked me down a few times. I experienced sadness and failures. But one thing for sure, I always get up!"
"First ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen? Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the worst."
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