The Face of Addiction

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The reality of substance abuse and drug addiction often runs counter to the stereotypes people have. A recent study indicates that nearly 30 million Americans--1 out of 10--are in recovery for alcohol and other drugs and this video highlights one person's struggle. Alyssa's powerful story is very common and demystifies the stereotype of a drug addict. There is a new generation of powerful prescription drugs that, when abused, act as a true getaway for heroin; affecting families across all social and economic spectrums.


"My goal in life wasn't was getting high. I was falling in a downward spiral towards a point of no return"


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Tips & Hints

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  • Don’t let relapse keep you down

    Relapse is a common part of the recovery process from drug addiction. While relapse is understandably frustrating and discouraging, it ...
  • Seek support from your family

    Your family needs to be involved in your journey to fight your addiction. Only you can accomplish this important task, but you need to ...
  • No more secrets

    It’s time to clean out the closet and take inventory. No hiding because of shame. No hiding because of fear. You are not alone in you...
  • Regain Power

    Many addictions are undermined because we believe we are powerless to change the situation. This is not true! You do have the power to ...
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