Visit if you or a loved one is struggling with Ketamine Abuse, and our counselors will help you get the help that you need right away. Don't wait to get help, the time is now!
"I considered suicide many times, and seemed to only be content when I was wasted, leaving my problems behind. It took an overdose that left me throwing up and having convulsions on my couch, to wake me up."
"I don't miss the fact that now when my lips move it is more than likely I am actually telling the truth."
Jane S
"I don't miss the fear that arose when I'm driving my car every time a police car hovers into view."
"My lowest point was when I realised I was stealing money from my daughters Christmas presents to fund my habit."
P. Gomez
"That's what made me think of stopping my drug habits - My Blood pressure spiked at 200/110 last week during a Panic Attack."
"Anyone being faced with the reality that their addiction needs to be conquered and their life will change is going to be scared."
"You need to realize that the little voice in your head telling you to use is your own."
"Find out why you use, find out your triggers, and take it day by day. Any day clean is better than any day you’ve been high."
"My goal in life wasn't was getting high. I was falling in a downward spiral towards a point of no return"
"I ended up homeless and on the streets, living and sleeping in a cardboard box, begging and struggling to find ways to get my next meal."
"Now I see how important it is for me to be in control of every part of me. Today my body is being controlled by me. I am in the driver’s seat, and I’m driving with happiness."
"Little did I know that my mom was upstairs crying every night that I came home late, crying because she was scared for my survival."
"All of my friends were doing Ketamine. It was everywhere. It was the most difficult tempting I have ever refused."
Ning Li
"Although I'm trying to get off this addiction his drug still calls me everyday."
"When you're young you can feel like you're invincible, but this clearly isn't the case."
"The experiences were incredibly scary at times. At one point I felt like I had died on it."
"I would steal and lie just to get what I needed to get high."
"I was using round the clock 24 hours a day, and became seriously ill, i was in and out of hospitals and no matter what, i could not stop."
"The worst part of Ketamine addiction is it's slow drain on your soul."
"Ketamine lead to my recent psychotic break."
"Ketamine can get very dangerous when mixed with other drugs. It stopped my breathing once when mixed with alcohol."
"The worst thing that's ever happened through ketamine was sniffing so much of that dehydrated crystal that I lost my entire septum."
"Ketamine was the most psychologically addictive drug I have ever come in contact with and nearly killed me as well as sending me totally mad."
"I used ketamine to totally numb out the world, to reach oblivion."
"I had to stop all contact with using friends but have found amazing friendship in 12 step recovery."
"Everyone said, 'Relapse is normal.' So I used it as an excuse to relapse! Relapse may be common, but it’s not a requirement!"
"Although I'm trying to get off this addiction and help myself in all the areas I need too… this drug still calls me everyday."
Relapse is a common part of the recovery process from drug addiction. While relapse is understandably frustrating and discouraging, it ...
Relapse is a common part of the recovery process from drug addiction. While relapse is understandably frustrating and discouraging, it can also be an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and correct your treatment course.
Even once you’ve recovered from drug addiction, you’ll still have to face the issues that led to your drug problems in the first pl...
Even once you’ve recovered from drug addiction, you’ll still have to face the issues that led to your drug problems in the first place. Did you start using drugs to numb painful emotions, calm yourself down after an argument, unwind after a bad day, or forget about your problems? After you become sober, the negative feelings that you used to dampen with drugs will resurface. For treatment to be successful, and to remain sober in the long term, you’ll need to resolve these underlying issues as well.
For many people struggling with addiction, the biggest and toughest step toward recovery is deciding to make a change. It’s normal to...
For many people struggling with addiction, the biggest and toughest step toward recovery is deciding to make a change. It’s normal to feel conflicted about giving up your drug of choice, even when you realize it’s causing problems in your life. Committing to sobriety involves changing many things, including the way you deal with stress, who you allow in your life, what you do in your free time and how you think about yourself.
It’s time to clean out the closet and take inventory. No hiding because of shame. No hiding because of fear. You are not alone in you...
It’s time to clean out the closet and take inventory. No hiding because of shame. No hiding because of fear. You are not alone in your addiction. Thousands of others have fought the same battle. Now is the time to list your good qualities, the things you like about yourself, and want to keep. It is also the time to list your bad qualities, your habits and addictions you wish to overcome. Writing is a powerful tool for the brain. Writing the inventory list will help your brain to help you overcome your addiction. You will be more attune to your strengths and weaknesses and better able to use your strengths to overcome your weakness.
Your family needs to be involved in your journey to fight your addiction. Only you can accomplish this important task, but you need to ...
Your family needs to be involved in your journey to fight your addiction. Only you can accomplish this important task, but you need to ask for the support and help of your family. You may think you are the first family member with an addiction, especially substance abuse, but if you carefully examine your family history you may find a similar addiction in past generations.
...or other activities to occupy your spare time. Take up running, play an instrument, volunteer at a retirement home, enroll in some c...
...or other activities to occupy your spare time. Take up running, play an instrument, volunteer at a retirement home, enroll in some classes at your local college or university or learn how to paint. Don’t let yourself get bored!
If you do slip up, don’t think of it as a failure. Pick yourself up, and keep moving forward. Don’t let one slip become an excuse t...
If you do slip up, don’t think of it as a failure. Pick yourself up, and keep moving forward. Don’t let one slip become an excuse to return to an addicted lifestyle. Rather, let it be a lesson and a reminder that you must remain vigilant, resolve yourself not to let it happen again, and contact one of your supportive friends, peers or mentors to help you through this tough time.
"Most addictions will give a cue, known as a trigger, which will cause you to have
compulsive urges. Learn what your triggers and wha...
"Most addictions will give a cue, known as a trigger, which will cause you to have
compulsive urges. Learn what your triggers and what they are telling you. For
example, many people get an urge to drink when they have a cigarette in their
hand. This means that they need to avoid those situations where they will put in
the position of having their triggers set off so that all that they can focus on is
their addiction. "
Change your playgrounds, playmates, and playthings
So whatever is needed to change the places you spent your leisure time, the people you spent it with and the things you engaged in so a...
So whatever is needed to change the places you spent your leisure time, the people you spent it with and the things you engaged in so as to avoid triggers to relapse.
Attend 90 NA meetings in 90 days during the first three months of your recovery. This will help you through the most critical phase of ...
Attend 90 NA meetings in 90 days during the first three months of your recovery. This will help you through the most critical phase of your recovery and help you set up a routine after a drug rehab program.
Whilst Ketamine has existed in the medical and veterinarian field for many years, it's use as a recreational substance remains relative...
Whilst Ketamine has existed in the medical and veterinarian field for many years, it's use as a recreational substance remains relatively new, indicating that there may be social, medical, psychological and mental health problems associated with long term use that are at present unknown.
Don't do it alone! 12-Step groups work for some people. Ketamine support groups may work. Spending time with friends who don't use or s...
Don't do it alone! 12-Step groups work for some people. Ketamine support groups may work. Spending time with friends who don't use or seeing a counselor may also be helpful. Check out the resource list for ideas.
A review of scientific studies has proved that exercise (even a five-minute walk or stretch) cuts cravings and may help your brain to p...
A review of scientific studies has proved that exercise (even a five-minute walk or stretch) cuts cravings and may help your brain to produce anti-craving chemicals.
Nothing else can work better in this case than your own strong will. Keep strengthening your inner self by reminding it that ketamine i...
Nothing else can work better in this case than your own strong will. Keep strengthening your inner self by reminding it that ketamine is injurious to health and you can easily quit if you want to do so from within. Keep murmuring positive affirmations such as “Yes, I can do it” in your mind.
When you feel triggered, talk about it. Express your feelings, don't be ashamed of them. Verbalizing and recognizing your weaknesses ma...
When you feel triggered, talk about it. Express your feelings, don't be ashamed of them. Verbalizing and recognizing your weaknesses makes you stronger.