"I learned to deal with difficulties in my daily living rather than escape to use cocaine."
"I want to stop myself from doing drugs before it's too late. I want to get clean and turn my life around before I start taking harder drugs."
"I want to stop myself from doing drugs before it's too late. I want to get clean and turn my life around before I start taking harder drugs."
"I was a prisoner to it until I broke free of the hold cocaine had on me."
"I hate cocaine for taking over my life, and myself for continuing to let it rule me."
"Losing job after job, trying to quit, out of control, hiding my habit, more guilt, more drugs, losing all self-respect, my morals going down the drain, doing whatever I had to do just to get high. How glamorous did coke look now?"
"I am a recovering cocaine addict and I have been clean and sober for over 5 years. Getting clean and staying clean have been the hardest thing I've ever done. It's also been the best thing I've done for myself and family"
Steve L.
"Smoking crack cocaine will destroy everything you have ever thought, felt, desired, loved and believed in. Crack cocaine goes as far as destroying your life completely, along with anyone willing to come close enough to the stench created by smoking crack"
"I don't miss the fact that now when my lips move it is more than likely I am actually telling the truth."
Jane S
"I don't miss the fear that arose when I'm driving my car every time a police car hovers into view."
"My lowest point was when I realised I was stealing money from my daughters Christmas presents to fund my habit."
P. Gomez
"That's what made me think of stopping my drug habits - My Blood pressure spiked at 200/110 last week during a Panic Attack."
"Anyone being faced with the reality that their addiction needs to be conquered and their life will change is going to be scared."
"You need to realize that the little voice in your head telling you to use is your own."
"Find out why you use, find out your triggers, and take it day by day. Any day clean is better than any day you’ve been high."
"My goal in life wasn't living...it was getting high. I was falling in a downward spiral towards a point of no return"
"I ended up homeless and on the streets, living and sleeping in a cardboard box, begging and struggling to find ways to get my next meal."
"Now I see how important it is for me to be in control of every part of me. Today my body is being controlled by me. I am in the driver’s seat, and I’m driving with happiness."
"Little did I know that my mom was upstairs crying every night that I came home late, crying because she was scared for my survival."
"Morbid, depressed – deep down ashamed – so I became addicted to cocaine."
"There is no such thing as a happy ending to cocaine addiction stories. They all end badly."
"The only good part to a cocaine addiction story is the part where the addict stops the drug."
"Every cocaine user has an upsetting story but i believe we can delete those pages in our book of life and re-write the future ones."
"I thought cocaine was the most glamorous thing on the face of the planet, even though I was doing it in some rundown, cockroach-filled apartments with some guy who was just living off nothing."
"I woke up so sick, my fingers turned blue, my lips turned blue. I went to the hospital. They asked me if I did drugs, I said no. They believed me. I was 15."
"I had to use just to feel okay. Wherever I went anywhere I had to first get high."
"I had to use just to feel okay. Wherever I went anywhere I had to first get high."
"I lied, cheated and stole from clients, partners, family, and friends to fund my habit."
"I am scared to loose my family, my home, and my beautiful girlfriend because of cocaine."
"It all came crashing down on me. Someone came along and took my boyfriend, my ex took our daughter, the bank took the house. No one took me."
"Because of cocaine, I am the girl who sells dreams in a gentlemen's club, where you never actually meet 'gentleman' just bunch of horny guys. I am that girl who I never wanted to become."
"The drugs have broken down my mind, and my body's ability to regulate my emotions, so when I crash, I crash HARD and I want to die. So, are those few hours of pleasure worth the consequences? Not really."
"I had sex with guys and girls for drugs. I slept with people for just because. I want to stop I am trying to stop. I want my life back."
"Like in a movie i want to move on from that scene where everyone i care for feels disappointed and sad as they watch me throw away my life in senseless drugs and self destruction, if i could only catch a glimpse of the next act."
"I have always been envied for having the best self control. I have been able to smoke cigarettes only when drinking for over 10 years and never became a smoker. But cocaine is different, at least for me."
"If it was unavailable or I had no more sources of money, quitting cocaine would be a relatively simple and fairly painless exercise. But one thing I can say for sure about the thralls of a binge, is that as long as you can get it, you will. Even if it lea"
"Don't do Coke, it's not worth it. I've seen people spend lots of money and throw away their lives for it. It's just not worth it."
"I’ll do half a gram and have him sell the other one and a half. I would make my money back and that would be the end of it. Naively, I trusted him. That was my first mistake."
"I spent every minute sniffing, not wanting to waste any of the intoxicating drug. My paranoia was getting worse; I became increasingly on edge."
"I didn’t know whether I had been sleeping or had gone unconscious. When I woke up, my girlfriend was on the phone with the paramedics."
"I was rushed to the hospital, hooked up to IVs and given two shots of Ativan. My heart rate was well over 200 and my blood pressure was in the 180s."
"I made the choice to learn from my experience and take control of my life. If my life was going to turn around, it was going to be up to me."
"You stick that pipe in your mouth and that’s where you go. Straight to hell."
"I wanted to stop, so why couldn’t I? What was up with that? Denial, addiction’s long shadow, is vital to the addict’s psyche."
"Of course, it all came crashing down on me. Someone came along and took my boyfriend, my ex took our daughter, the bank took the house. No one took me."
"I got admitted to a treatment centre and spent 6 months there, afraid, lonely and very confused. I did not know who I was, what I was, where I was."
"When I took cocaine I felt like I was a big shot and that somehow just by taking this drug I would be better at everything and better than everyone else too."
"Try and find a new hobby, something to occupy your mind, because, if you're sitting around bored, the chances are you’ll start thinking about cocaine."
"My friends are driving me crazy and I lost my job. Last night a friend offered me heroin and I actually considered it... that was my wake up call."
"I can tell you this, though. There is NO way to 'control' an addiction. Not even remotely possible. You need to stop."
"I had my sun glasses on all the time. I wanted to hide from the world. I started hating myself for what I do and how I feel inside."
"I had lots of people who invited me to parties, get high and forget my responsibilities. Cocaine was around me and always accessible. But today I can say, I LEARNED MY LESSON! I appreciate that police officer who pulled me over. He saved my life."
"I have learned that life is not perfect and we all make mistakes. Now I know that I can use my mistakes as LESSONS IN LIFE, LEARND FROM THEM, AND MOVE FORWARD. I accept that life is a chaos, and the only thing I can change is my view on life and I can cho"
"Although my body was somewhat healthy, my mind and soul were in shambles. The negative habits that I had formed through my life and intensified over that two year period were still there. This created me huge problems both n my professional and personal l"
"I put my family through hell, stole money from home, ignored their concerns, disregarded their opinions and I did not care about my own life or others'."
"I remember being on a five-day binge and my daughter was hungry and tried to make a sandwich for my son. All I had in the house was a moldy onion and moldy bread. I hit my daughter because I did not want her to eat it."
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