Oh and smoking pot tends to help my HSP, not indo though it just makes me sleepier unless i smoke a little but found that pure sativa (Ak-47) worked best, as does alcohol but i cant go to work drunk,also if you have a low tolerance only smoking a little at a time is best.
Any HSP in modesto or close to modesto CA?
I had migraines on a daily basis as kid that led to multiple strokes if you would like to know some of what this HSP has experienced, overcome, only to have it repeated as an adult, overcome, and given a gift beyond words that is now my greatest curse and blessing.
its good to be open to constructive criticism, unless your content with how big you have grown... in which case you will begin to shrink... if you truly wanna be your own boss... you gotta be able to handle destructive and constructive criticism.. If you are in the process of altering your diet or detoxing.. you describe some of the symptoms people go threw.
if normal is a blank peace of paper... weird would be color on it... which would you rather be? :)
Meditating helps alot with digesting all you pick up(you will find a lot of nonsense and junk that discusses meditation but doesn't actually tell you how to do it! if you want a quick, simple, direct way to do this msg me ..no fluff, no charge, and no bs... negates "burnout" ..still fun to "enjoy my own company" tho =) screaming babies dont bother me anymore.. as they dont scream anymore.. at least when im around them =)
anxiety to be around strangers, large crowds, hate any form of criticism especially if I make a mistake at home or at work and others correct me, controlling a lot of what I eat to stay perfect in shape, can not multitask when too much going on I have to be alone to work at my own pace, exhausted easily, want to be my own boss, caffeine gets me so sick some days, even vitamins bother me so I take children's chewables, car sick easily in new cars from new interior smells, etc etc reasons
I always believed there was something 'wrong' with me because that's what others seemed to think, but now I realised this is who I am and they were wrong about me. I feel much more powerful now =)
I've found that being a HSP gives me an explanation of why I like my curtains drawn during the day and why the screaming baby at the end of the train is driving me nuts! Its because I can't tune out like a non HSP person, as much as I'd like to. We pick up so much at one time, it can be quite distressing. I find when I have one of those really bad days where I take in too much, the next day, I need to rest and stay away from the world for a while, just enjoy my own company.
i,m a empath and Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy XD
"When in doubt just take the next small step."
"With the right counselor and the right counseling techniques, I was able to learn to cope in new ways. I was able to stop my most self-destructive behaviors through their counseling and their care."
"Do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember: A kite rises against the wind rather than with it."
"Nobody says you must laugh, but a sense of humor can help you overlook the unattractive, tolerate the unpleasant, cope with the unexpected, and smile through the day"
Ann Landers
"Everyone has different ways of coping and we’re all at different stages of our personal recovery journeys."
Michelle Howieson
"It’s about accepting your mental illness and being willing to challenge your mind with coping strategies."
"If you do not feel in control of your life, try control of something small and then work up to bigger things in your life."
Yao Li
"If is easy to make the same mistake again and again, to change the hardest part is the first step."
"My lung cancer was discovered in November 1997. Looking back, I can see that their support was vital to my recovery."
"Day after day, night after night, my real self, my soul, began to emerge. I saw courage, character, and strength grow in."
"I am constantly working or trying to maintain the status of my 'body shield' and interacting on the Internet helps with that...most of the time. But when my hull gets hit, I need to ground myself to refuel or just gain some emotional silence."
"A coping technique I used was exposure therapy. I would put myself in stressful situations (out in public with a lot of people) for a limited amount of time and gradually built on that and stayed out longer and longer."
"Make a list of stuff you need to do, decide which order they go in and do them one by one. I found this really useful. Massive tasks are never as bad if you break them into smaller tasks."
"Do not fall into depression again as its perhaps one of the most demotivating states you could ever be in, think positive and keep on track."
"Find some time to relax and clear your head, which will also help you feel less anxious."
"If you feel really bad, I got told to take deep breaths. Breathe in for 10secs, hold for 10secs and breathe out for 10secs. It really helps."
"What made a difference for me was getting cognitive behaviour therapy and medication so that I could break the fear and anxiety that was holding me back and affecting my outlook."
"I can accept a hug now. Before there was always some kind of motive. Here it comes without a price."
"I was a teenager who wore black, slept a lot and cried often. I had no idea that these symptoms can signal serious depression."
"I was lucky. If I’d turned to drugs or alcohol as a way to solve my problems, I might have been another teenage drug addict or alcoholic, and never have gotten the help I needed."
"I watched a beautiful baby boy grow from a sweet innocent bundle of joy to a mischievous little boy. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that one day a horrible disease would strike this child and turn him in to a monster."
"I will continue my fight for my child, I will swallow the pain and turn him in, see him in jail if that’s what it takes. I just do not want to bury my child."
"Each and every one of these “addicts” deserves the chance at recovery"
"I thought that when she got treatment our problems would be solved. Little did I know that we were just beginning the most intense journey of our lives. "
"I began to nurture my own faith that something bigger than my maternal love was going to hold her together. It was up to her to respond to recovery…or not."
"As horrible as I felt, I knew other kids would go through this stuff too, and maybe my story could help them."
"Time heals all wounds. After the initial emotions set in and you begin to deal with them, they become easier to manage."
"I was flattered when he wanted to be with me all the time. I felt so special when he told me he couldn’t live without me. Now, I see how possessive he is."
Anonymous woman
"When he called me many times a day, I felt like he was the most loving person, caring not only about me but also about who I was with and what I was doing. Now, I see how jealous he is. He didn’t trust me unless he knew where I was every moment of every d"
Anonymous woman
"He seemed so knowledgeable, so worldly. I liked that he was teaching me so much. Now, I see that he needs to give me “advice” about everything because he wants me to do things his way."
Anonymous woman
"What kind of love is this where she is miserable most of the time – crying about how he treats her, afraid of being criticized for what she did or didn't do?"
Dr Linda Sapadin
"You feel you cannot live without this person. You need him to feel complete. Though you no longer feel good about yourself like you did when you were “infatuated with him,” you, nevertheless, feel you can’t leave him."
Dr Linda Sapadin
"It can be hard to accept your daughter is pregnant, let alone be happy about it. You might find yourself crying your heart out over this, and looking for reasons why you failed to stop it from happening"
Dr Roger Papadopoulous
"Dealing with our daughter’s addiction was by far the most difficult and the most painful thing we have had to navigate together as a couple."
"Neither one of us could believe that one of our kids, to whom we had devoted our adult lives, would have, or could have, headed off in this direction. We lived in denial for a long time."
"e gentle with each other. Know that we each are doing the best we can in a really difficult situation."
"Then we snap out of our dream and see our child addicted to a drug and wonder if the future is even possible. We mourn the loss of our dream"
"These dreams were ours. That is why the pain is so great. We feel our dream slipping away. It’s such a shame we have imposed our dream upon our child and we see their addiction as a failure to achieve our dream."
"My hopes and dreams now are that I can be a better father, and that I will be regarded by some little ones as the best grandpa in the world."
"When another person is the one who has “the problem,” and you are the one lifting every stone to find the solution to his or her problem, you cannot and will not find it."
"All is far from hopeless, however. You can and you must find answers to your own problem."
"There is a way out. Whatever first step you decide upon, take it today. You will not regret it."
"I believe some of us are more determined to stay, some of us more likely to withdraw and that it isn’t necessarily the degree of strife that makes the difference"
Gina Sangster
"Every now and then we may find ourselves in a relationship that has just run its course."
"Frank can’t stand to be seen as responsible for any failure. When he makes a mistake, his mantra is “I may be wrong but you are wrong-er.”"
Marie Hartwell-Walker
"Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger than to relatives or friends"
"During a very dark time a friend told me, “Where there is life, there is hope.” I don’t know if he knew how profound those words were to me."
"Dealing with the pain and heart break is never easy. We just have to live the days as they are set out and not live in the past."
"Life isn't always the way it's suppose to be, it's just the way it is. The way we cope with it is what makes the difference."
"Be someone that brings out the best in you not the stress in you…"
"The most effective way to cope with change is to help create it."
"Self-confidence gives you the freedom to make mistakes and cope with failure without feeling that your world has come to an end or that you are a worthless person."
"Some things are not problems to be solved, they are facts to be coped with."
"Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
"Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life. Sometimes missing is just a part of moving on."
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