"I've got a bad temper, short fuse, we fight constantly. I want to be a better person."
"I began to lose my temper every few months or so. When it happened I would think that, despite being angry, I was calm and talking rationally. But I was actually getting enraged without realising."
Florence Terry
"I began to lose my temper every few months or so. When it happened I would think that, despite being angry, I was calm and talking rationally."
"I just felt like I was getting angry at the slightest thing that anybody did, so much so that it was causing problems in my marriage."
"There is satisfaction in getting things down on paper - seeing my anger not in damage, not in a form that was hurting anyone."
"When you control your anger, it can't control you."
"One minute I’d be talking with a raised voice, and the next my limbs were doing things I didn’t want them to."
"My anger blinds me. Every time I get angry I think in an irrational manner."
"It seems like it is impossible for me to control my gaming anger. Frankly, I turn into an animal."
"But when i get angry enough, i really lash out. I throw stuff. I punch walls. I call others foul names. I hate it. I can't stand it."
"It is like anger is controling our relationship."
"Just every little thing sets me off, even things that ultimately don't matter."
"Do not let your anger lead to hatred, as you will hurt yourself more than you would the other."
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."
Mark Twain
"I want to learn the trigger behind my anger. Understand my emotions better before acting on them."
"I have flashes of anger. I'm tired of being angry. I fear my son will hate me."
"I want to go to anger management classes and share all my angry stories with other angry people."
"I normally control my anger well unless I am surprised and feel like the blame is unjustified."
"If you hate people for a long time you will acquire more and more of their qualities simply because you think about them all the time."
"What helped me most was understanding what is it that ultimately makes me happy."
"Take good care of your mind, this is where happiness lives."
"Trying to find a solution to stop the anger is foolishness because anger is a result. The result cannot be changed. It is the cause which one needs to change."
"Use your body to help the mind and use your mind to help the body."
"Anger is the worst weakness of all. You should be sympathetic towards the person who becomes angry and understand that he does not have any control in this matter."
"People use anger as a form of protection. In ignorance (ignorance of one's real Self), one's protection is through anger."
"If you truly understand how your mind works you'll understand everyone around you, anywhere in the world, at any time."
"People are more fearful of those who do not get angry as opposed to those who do. Why is that so? It is because one develops inner strength when anger ceases. This is the law of nature."
"You can control your anger, and you have a responsibility to do so… It can feel intimidating, but it can be energising too."
Isabel Clarke
"Anger is a normal, healthy emotion. But managing anger can be a problem for many people who find it difficult to keep their anger under control."
Isabel Clarke
"Mommy's angry, and she has a right to be this way. She doesn't like what I did, but she still likes me and thinks I'm capable enough to help clean up after myself"
Hypothetical baby
"We find going into a rage is often harder on us than the child. It leaves us feeling drained."
"I believe every mum should get the help they need. Because you don’t want your child to grow up negatively affected by your mental health issues"
"Mike works all day ... long, hard hours. He has a successful business and works hard to keep a good relationship with his clients and employees. But 10 minutes with Annie, his four-year-old, and he becomes a rage-a-holic."
"Suddenly lightning hits, and he's screaming at her and stomping around the house. He's in a rage … slamming doors, you name it … He can’t control himself"
"Anger shrinks intimacy and keeps children at an emotional distance. It can take over your home and destroy the parent-child relationship"
Dr Goldstein
"The first time I hit my husband was about 14 years ago. I was cross with him and lost my temper. He was upset and I felt dreadful, and cried and apologised. I felt scared and ashamed, but I thought it was a one-off"
"After losing my temper I’d be in tears and apologise, but also had to say, ‘I can’t tell you it won’t happen again because I know it will’. I knew I was out of control."
"He said my outbursts weren’t a big issue, but I felt it was completely unacceptable. I felt ashamed, and didn’t talk to anyone about what was going on. It was a secret. I felt like a hypocrite. Everybody thought I was a sweet, calm person"
"One person in five has ended a relationship because of the way the other person dealt with anger"
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