Highly Sensitive Person: Coping Strategies
Video Description
In this video Tedd Zeff discusses some coping strategies that can be useful for very sensitive people.close
Oh and smoking pot tends to help my HSP, not indo though it just makes me sleepier unless i smoke a little but found that pure sativa (Ak-47) worked best, as does alcohol but i cant go to work drunk,also if you have a low tolerance only smoking a little at a time is best.
Any HSP in modesto or close to modesto CA?
I had migraines on a daily basis as kid that led to multiple strokes if you would like to know some of what this HSP has experienced, overcome, only to have it repeated as an adult, overcome, and given a gift beyond words that is now my greatest curse and blessing.
its good to be open to constructive criticism, unless your content with how big you have grown... in which case you will begin to shrink... if you truly wanna be your own boss... you gotta be able to handle destructive and constructive criticism.. If you are in the process of altering your diet or detoxing.. you describe some of the symptoms people go threw.
if normal is a blank peace of paper... weird would be color on it... which would you rather be? :)
Meditating helps alot with digesting all you pick up(you will find a lot of nonsense and junk that discusses meditation but doesn't actually tell you how to do it! if you want a quick, simple, direct way to do this msg me ..no fluff, no charge, and no bs... negates "burnout" ..still fun to "enjoy my own company" tho =) screaming babies dont bother me anymore.. as they dont scream anymore.. at least when im around them =)
anxiety to be around strangers, large crowds, hate any form of criticism especially if I make a mistake at home or at work and others correct me, controlling a lot of what I eat to stay perfect in shape, can not multitask when too much going on I have to be alone to work at my own pace, exhausted easily, want to be my own boss, caffeine gets me so sick some days, even vitamins bother me so I take children's chewables, car sick easily in new cars from new interior smells, etc etc reasons
I always believed there was something 'wrong' with me because that's what others seemed to think, but now I realised this is who I am and they were wrong about me. I feel much more powerful now =)
I've found that being a HSP gives me an explanation of why I like my curtains drawn during the day and why the screaming baby at the end of the train is driving me nuts! Its because I can't tune out like a non HSP person, as much as I'd like to. We pick up so much at one time, it can be quite distressing. I find when I have one of those really bad days where I take in too much, the next day, I need to rest and stay away from the world for a while, just enjoy my own company.
i,m a empath and Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy XD