Coping with a troubled child


By Alia Butler

A troubled child may display behavior problems that cause her to be violent and aggressive, and may talk back to adults or refuse to follow the rules. A troubled child may also display drastic changes in emotions. She may be enjoying one activity and then all of a sudden becomes angry, sad or overwhelmed. These behaviors and emotional problems may be stressful for caregivers. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a significant number of children and families are affected by mental, emotional and behavioral problems.

Step 1

Set boundaries and consequences. You can use behavior modification techniques effectively with children ranging in intelligence levels and behavior characteristics. Share the rules with your child. Write the rules down and display them where he can see. When your child breaks a rule, explain to him what he did wrong.

Step 2

Develop a reward chart for correct behaviors. suggests using a reward system as an effective way to increase good behaviors. Allow the child to add stars to the chart when he does things right. Always praise him when he does something right or engages in a behavior you want to increase. Never give idle threats. Always follow through on your rewards or punishments.

Step 3

Get her involved. Help your child join an activity or club she enjoys. Make sure she will be successful in what she becomes involved with because it will allow her to focus her energies and behaviors on positive activities. Social interaction and confidence-boosting activities will help increase her self-esteem; therefore, increasing her display of positive behaviors.

Step 4

Provide your child with small amounts of control. Doctors’ notes that children learn and grow by testing the boundaries adults put in place and having someone always telling them what they can and cannot do can make a child angry and frustrated. Allow your child to make minor decisions about his life. Ask the child what he wants to do and make an effort to follow through on it.

Step 5

Spend time taking care of yourself. Dealing with a child who displays emotional, mental and/or behavioral problems can be stressful. Taking care of yourself will make you more effective at dealing with a troubled child. Develop effective ways to relieve your stress, such as exercise, meditation, taking an art class or reading a book. Talk with a supportive friend or family member when you need support. Spend time away from the child so you can allow yourself to become refreshed and relaxed. Use respite services--childcare services provided by the state--that provide someone else to care for the child for an extended period of time while you renew.

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The Have I Got A Problem website is a free online resource to help people better understand any issues or concerns they may have about mental health or addiction. The website includes resources specifically focused to; general Mental Health, Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Insecurities, Self-harm Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Anger Management, Eating Disorders, Coping, general Addiction, Alcohol, Smoking, Gambling, Drugs, Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana (Cannabis) Ecstasy, PCP, Mephedrone, Ketamine & Crystal Meth.

The site was created to give the public information to help them understand mental health and addiction issues and to assist people in making better informed decisions about their life and personal choices. was created and is run by 'Advising Communities’, which is a UK registered charity (Charity No. 1061055)


"It’s about accepting your mental illness and being willing to challenge your mind with coping strategies."


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