How Would Marijuana Addiction Affect a Family?


By Julie Boehlke



Cannabis is a type of plant that is commonly known as marijuana. It can be used as a psychoactive drug that is generally either smoked or eaten in order to achieve an altered state of mind. Marijuana is generally illegal in most areas of the world---including the United States. Marijuana use among a family member can have a devastating effect financially on everyone in the household. The amount of money that is spent on the drug can be significant. The money used for someone's recreational drug use or drug habit could be going to other things in the family such as bills, groceries and household expenses. For some people who are caught using or carrying marijuana, they could face serious jail time, probation and court costs and fines. If their employers are aware of their drug use or they fail a drug test at work, they could be terminated. This could be a devastating blow to the overall financial income that a family relies on.


Mentally, marijuana can have a negative effect on someone's family. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, when someone is high there are certain functions that are impaired. These include irregular or unreal sensory perceptions, brain fog, decreased problem-solving abilities and coordination problems. Marijuana can also enhance feelings of pleasure, intense thoughts, anxiety and appetite. All of these factors can begin to have an effect on a family. Not being in touch with real emotions while spending time with children or a spouse will make it difficult to recall events. Any type of impairment or decrease in mental capacity or ability may actually put the non-addict parent at risk of taking care of small children alone. Forgetting to turn off a stove or being unaware of a child leaving the room or waking from bed can become a safety issue. Another effect of smoking marijuana is feelings of tiredness and relaxation. If someone has smoked a significant amount of marijuana they may fall asleep or become detached from their surroundings easily. They can miss out on family time with their focus not completely being on the current situation.



Often the use of marijuana can affect someone physically. This may interfere with the quality time they spend with one another as a family. The main chemical derivative that is found in marijuana is called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC is what causes the physiological effects of the drug. It can have some pretty significant physical symptoms shortly after it is smoked. Once the THC reaches the bloodstream, the drug begins to take effect. Aside from some of the mental symptoms, it can also lead to an increase in heart rate and in some cases cause arrhythmias. According to, because of the increase in heart rate, many smokers are at an increased risk of heart attack. Because marijuana generally contains no filters, many smokers inhale more carcinogens and irritants than they would from smoking cigarettes. Both of these can lead to respiratory illness, cough and infections. This can make them more detached from family due to being ill from smoking marijuana. It may also impair their ability to be physically active with their family.

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